Optimising Energy in The Cloud

Industrial, Oil And Energy

Optimising energy in the cloud

The Need

Infrastructure that hasn’t been updated, creating issues with energy consumption and emissions.

The mobile telecoms market has evolved rapidly in the last decade, successfully delivering 4G and even 5G to many customers. But behind this lies a power infrastructure that hasn’t been updated, creating issues with energy consumption and emissions. A solution capable of optimising energy in the cloud and reducing the cost of operations and emissions was needed.

This start-up client wanted to develop a cloud-based application capable of managing their global network. BlueThink provided a multitude of different expertise to develop the cloud platform and create the algorithm that drives it.

Optimising energy in the cloud

The Solution

Machine learning and optimisation algorithms were used to forecast energy requirements.

Utilising a wide range of skills, BlueThink worked on the concept, development and full testing of the initial solution. Led by a core team of energy engineers to ensure the focus remained on optimisation. Machine learning and optimisation algorithms were used to forecast energy requirements, and automation employed to minimise costs and emissions.

Delivering this innovative platform involved using different simulations and online tools to ensure all aspects were rigorously investigated and tested. The Solvers Network also helped tailor the solution to the IBM cloud, which was a specific requirement of the client.

The Result

Cross-sector technology transfer enabled a quick solution.

BlueThink successfully created a fully functional cloud-based platform that could communicate with multiple sites globally. Intelligent enough to analyse the information received, decide a suitable course of action and implement it automatically at each site. Adaptable optimisation algorithms were designed, analysing each site many times per day ensuring the best possible system performance.

By choosing BlueThink the client was able to instantly tap into an experienced team without the need to build their own. Cross-sector technology transfer enabled a quick solution, by identifying similar application solutions from different sectors and quickly repurposing them.

In addition, the wealth of new data being generated is providing valuable operational insights not previously available to the client.

By optimising energy in the cloud, we created a solution that can scale rapidly alongside growth of the company services. We continue to support this client to further improve performance and introduce new features to benefit them and their clients.

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